Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Dirt D's on Judging Juicy Joe
I think I heard my blood actually boiling when I was forced by Bravo to sit through Danielle and Danny bashing Juicy Joe's late night alcohol related car accident. If Juicy Joe was drinking and driving, shame on him, but who are the Dirt D's to judge? Danielle made comments such as "what kind of man is he to be out that late with a wife and 4 kids", "karma is a bitch", and "he must've been in a strip club". News flash Danielle, what kind of mom are you to have done all three plus kidnapping, coke, prostituting, theft, and much much more! Then Danny chimed in as if he can't remember his jailhouse spin number. Bravo wasted precious film on two idiots having idiotic conversation. By the way, Danielle is looking a bit unbathed these days, what's up with that? I think she's totally getting high again. Afterall she's breaking bread with ex-cons and forcing her kids to call these raggamuffins "Uncle". Its such a sad thing to watch where her kids are concerned. Its bad enough she forces the kids to earn wages at their ages. Bravo, at some point, should be held accountable for the way these kids are made to suffer. School must be hell on earth for those poor girls. Comment your opinion please.